When we first started building in the crypto space, we began like everyone else: wide-eyed and mystified, thinking we were going to change the world. Being in the space since the first real big wave of VC injection (the 2017 bull run), we’ve seen how the environment has turned into a VC cesspool chasing 1000x returns. This has prompted start-ups to play along and engineer their metrics to raise the latest hottest round. Most of these projects are bullshit—overhyped products being built by mediocre developers waiting for their tokens to vest. Overpromising has become an integral part of the crypto game. Most of these projects have little to no value to humanity, as they are just financially engineered products. Internally, we have always laughed at the state of the crypto environment, and even more so when founders believe they are genuinely building something important. But then again, you must buy into your own shit to be able to sell it. Parody and hyperbole have been methods of criticism since humans began passing down stories, so let’s do like our ancestors did.Like most crypto projects, we have no real intentions.